Tangled Yarns

Tangled Yarns

Saturday, August 14, 2010

To new beginnings

I have long admired the people who put themselves out there on this big wide web and talk about their lives. Who share their thoughts, ambitions, and work with all and sundry, leaving themselves open to the criticism and ridicule of thoughtless (or malicious) strangers. But as I have read the blogs and musing of my friends and acquaintences, and seen the comments that they have recieved, I realize that there's just as much support to be found. So here goes my attempt to blog. :)

I have been knitting for 5 and 1/2 years now. Crocheting for 4. I enjoy it a great deal, and only just recently came to realize that I'm actually kinda good at. The process is fun, though occasionally frustrating, as any good hobby is. I hope can share it with you in an entertaining way.

Here's a quick comic, from one of my favorites: Devil's Panties - no it's not satanic porn

Yes, things like that happen a lot.


  1. Welcome to the crazy blogging world :) I like knitting, but I'm very slow at it.

  2. Crochet is much faster, but I like the look of knitting better for a lot of things. And thanks for coming to say hello!
